A Day in the Life of Dr. Love

21 Jan

Hi everyone! *waves* It’s me, Dr. Love. Bruce is busy being a noodle brain somewhere, so I decided that I would blog myself today.

Our mom is off work today. It’s a holiday. I think real holidays include good, fancy noms and cat toys. But it means another day with my mom, so I’ll take it. She said that today commemorates some guy named Martin Luther King, Jr., who helped a lot of people become equal with other people. But here’s where it gets weird–those people weren’t equal because of the color of their skin. THEIR SKIN! Us cats don’t judge other cats by the color of their fur. That’s pretty silly! It would be like saying Bruce is a poop brain just because he’s a ginger. Okay, that’s a bad example, because he really is a poop brain. What I’m trying to say is Bruce is orange and I’m grey-calico, but who the meow cares? She also told us that Dr. King made a speech called “I Have a Dream”, which I will later reenact by taking a nap and dreaming that I am in a big tub of tuna.

I suppose people wonder what I do during a day. Well, today is a bit different because my mom is home from work and it’s a holiday, but I’m pretty busy on a work day. My mom usually gets up a few minutes before me, and as she wakes up, I climb up to her chest and demand lub lubs (that’s when Mom gives me loving). She scratches my ears for a few minutes, then she goes pee. And that’s when the real work starts! I run into the bathroom with her and knock down various items on the sink, so she knows where they are. Then I am the official water tester as my mom turns on the sink and I test viscosity, water temperature, speed, gravity, etc. (I am a doctor, after all). At this point, Bruce pops in the bathroom to use the litter box, but I chase him out–he doesn’t know us girls require lots of girl time in the bathroom.

Official water tester!

Official water tester!

At this point, my mom takes off her clothes *paws over eyes* and takes a shower. Sometimes I hang out on the edge of the tub to supervise that she washes behind her ears. She gets out of the shower and dries off and gets dressed. This is a very exhausting process–it takes her about seven hours to decide what she wants to wear, and she usually changes her mind after that, too. I always recommend the black pants with cat fur!

So you think this would be the end of us getting ready, right? No! Now she has to fix her hair. Her attempts at this aren’t very good, to be honest with you. She dries her hair (why she just doesn’t lick it dry, I have no clue) then brushes it. I like when she brushes her hair, because she brushes the fur on top of my head, too. With HER brush! Then we come downstairs where Bruce is already eating

breakfast. When Mom puts on her shoes, I grab a quick bite. If we need a refill of noms, she does that at this time and I test them to make sure they are okay. Quality assurance, you know. Then she grabs some lunch from the fridge. When Bruce hears the fridge door, he comes running and meows at Mom to get us treats. Bruce’s meow is very loud and obnoxious, so to shut him up Mom gives BOTH of us Temptations. Score! Mom opens the back door to run to her car (at this point, she’s already late for work). I sneak out and roll around on the back porch. Mom yells at me (that’s always funny!) and tries to chase me back in, but I won’t budge. She picks me up and then gets cat fur AND dirt on her black pants!

When she leaves is when the good stuff happens. I grab some more breakfast and then take my mid-morning nap. Then I work up my appetite by playing on our cat tree–LUNCH TIME! Alright! I climb back up the cat tree and nap on the top perch. Then I jump down and take a nap on my mom’s bed. I toss in some bird watching, too. And I like to play with my foil crinkle ball! See how this is an exhausting day? At 5:12 pm my mom comes home and I wait for her in the kitchen. When she comes in the house,

I've enjoyed cooking since I was a kitten--Official crock pot tester!

I’ve enjoyed cooking since I was a kitten–Official crock pot tester!

she must drop everything in her hands to pick me up, toss her over her shoulder, and say, “Dr. Rubs! Dr. Rubs!”  I am usually purring at this point. Cuddles with Mom then dinner time–I usually sit on a chair to supervise her in the kitchen to make sure she does a good job (she does). After Mom eats dinner, we are back on the couch and cuddling and we go on Catbook together (she likes to supervise my internet usage. Moms!). Then it’s time for bed (I let Bruce sit in proximity to me on the bed) and we sleep and then the cycle repeats itself.

So to all those humans who think we aren’t busy during the day–Lies! All lies! Cats lead a very complicated life in the sense that they are so much more simple than humans. I’m quite knackered just from writing this.

Hope everyone is having a great day with having dreams, nomming, napping, and licking your butt (if you’re into that kind of thing).


One Response to “A Day in the Life of Dr. Love”

  1. regina January 30, 2013 at 8:59 pm #

    Just now got a chance to read this… quite wonderful, and we all loved reading of your daily ritual… I always think of how I need to write the rituals down JIC I die in the middle of the night and some lucky person gets to take in Bink, Lyle & Flo… seems like they would need these details… but do I do it? No…… I’m too tired, old, hungry… whatever.
    Good for you that you take the time to record these thoughts and times. You will always enjoy reading them again—even when you get as old as I am! xoxoxox

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